Faster Ways to Read in OET Exam – OET Reading Tips

Anyone starting their OET journey will be aware of the importance of the Reading test. Occupational English Test can be aced easily if they master techniques to read quickly with full understanding. The reading section might be a bit tough due to the time limit and complex texts. With the right approaches and strategies, you will be able to enhance your reading speed and comprehension. This blog will tell you all about essential OET reading tips that will help you get your dream score. We will also learn how to improve OET reading skills effectively.

Understanding the OET Reading Section

Before getting into the various techniques that can be used to help improve your reading speed, it’s vital to understand the structure of the OET reading section. The OET reading test is divided into three parts:

Part A: This section tests your ability to scan for specific information in four short texts on one topic of healthcare. You are given 15 minutes to answer 20 questions.

Part B: This part comprises six short texts on the working environment, each with about 100-150 words. You are expected to answer one multiple-choice question per text.

Part C: This section contains reading two longer texts, each approximately 800 words, and answering 16 multiple-choice questions.

Getting familiar with the format of the test and the nature of the questions you are to attempt is the first step to mastering the OET reading section.

Speed Reading Techniques

Speed reading includes certain techniques that help one read more efficiently without sacrificing comprehension. Here are some effective methods to help in improving reading speed:

Skimming and Scanning Techniques

Skimming: This technique helps in getting an overview of the text by looking at it, not reading every word. Headings, subheadings, and often the first or last sentence of a paragraph point out the overall content. Overview reading helps with setting up a main idea without having to read everything. In reading, for example, a medical article, scan the abstract, headings, and conclusion to get a very clear sense of the subject.

Scanning: This includes searching for a particular piece of information or some keywords in the text. It’s useful, particularly for Part A of the OET reading test, where you are required to get specific details fast. Practice scanning using past OET reading papers, timing yourself. For example, if it asks about a certain medical condition, scan for the name of that condition in the text and read the text around it.

Chunking Method

This method involves grouping words into meaningful units or chunks. Instead of reading every word, you train your eyes to read in chunks of 3-5 words. It improves the speed of reading and clarifies the understanding of a passage as well. For example, instead of reading “the patient was admitted to the hospital” as a whole, read it as “the patient | was admitted | to the hospital.”

Building Vocabulary and Familiarity

Having a stronghold of the vocabulary can help you read quickly and with a high degree of accuracy. Here are ways to improve your vocabulary and familiarity with medical terms:


Read Regularly: Develop a habit of reading medical journals, articles, and any such material on healthcare. This will constantly expose you to the terminology, increasing your general reading speed. Regular reading also exposes one to common phrases and structures in medical texts.


Flashcards: Prepare a set of cards with medical terms in front and their meanings at the back. Study them regularly so that it sticks in your mind. You can also add example sentences on your flashcards, such as how the terms are used in context.

Practice Synonyms and Antonyms: Knowing the synonyms and antonyms will help you quickly grasp what any word means through different contexts. For instance, you realize “hypertension” and “high blood pressure” are meant to be the same thing; therefore, you shall easily get to understand a text quickly that uses either of these words.

Time Management Strategies

Time management in any OET reading test is very significant. Some strategies to keep you on your toes include:

Set time limits: Set specific time allocations to each section and try to stick to them. For example, allow time according to the ease of the questions. While you are practicing, make sure to take time to check your timing realistically using a timer.

Order Your Questions: Try to keep an order in answering the questions according to their complexity level. Begin with the easiest questions. That way, you ensure that you obtain those marks in less time and leave more time to handle the tougher ones. In case a question is too difficult, skip it and try solving it when time allows.

Practice Under Timed Conditions: Regularly practice full reading tests under timed conditions to build up your stamina and develop time management skills for test taking. This enables you to get comfortable with the speed required to maintain throughout the test.

Keeping Away from Traps

If you are not careful, you can easily fall prey to the traps that await you in the OET Reading section. Here are some pitfalls that should be watched out for:


Overthinking: Spending too much time on one question does more bad than good. If you are not sure, take an educated guess and move on to the next one. Overthinking will only bring in anxiety and waste your time.


Reading Every Word: Don’t try to read every single word of your given text. If you do that, then you will lose points by wasting on unnecessary contents. You will be able to master reading quickly once you have developed techniques of skimming and scanning that help in focusing on only the most important information. 

Ignoring Instructions: Read the instructions carefully for each part of the test. Misunderstanding can lead to unnecessary mistakes. For instance, make sure that you are certain if one or more than one option needs to be selected in a multiple-choice question.

Final Thoughts

The improvement in reading speed for the OET requires practice backed by proper techniques and strategic planning. Knowing the structure of the OET reading section, how to skim and scan, enriching your vocabulary, ways to manage time in the most effective manner, and avoiding common pitfalls could greatly help you improve your performance. Remember the fact that consistency is everything. These tips not only ensure regular practice to increase reading speed but also boost your confidence for the test.


With these OET reading tips and tricks, you will surely be able to score high in the reading ability section. Keep practicing; stay focused, and you will see improvement over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

The key to achieving a high score in this module lies in the improvement of reading speed and comprehension. Practice continuously for the language assessment exam using OET-specific reading materials and test questions. Skim and scan to increase your speed in locating major information. Make it a point to increase your medical vocabulary in order to increase your understanding of the content in passages or texts.

Read the OET’s past papers and sample tests available on the official website of OET. Moreover, develop a habit of reading medical journals, articles, and textbooks to get familiar with language and text style. While practicing, always time yourself so that you may be speedy and accurate.

The reading module of OET lasts for 60 minutes. It is divided into three parts: Part A is 15 minutes, and Parts B and C take a combined 45 minutes. Effective time management is extremely important to ensure all parts are completed within the given time.

The OET reading test has three parts. In Part A, you get a summary component with quick access to information from four short texts. Part B holds six short workplace texts, and you are supposed to answer questions based on this. In Part C, there are two longer texts, each followed by comprehension questions that test detailed understanding.

Published On: August 7th, 2024 / Categories: OET /

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