PTE Score Calculator

The Pearson Test of English is a computer-based English language proficiency test for students who want to study overseas or apply for immigration. This exam is globally recognized and is evidence of your proficiency in English language skills.

Understanding the PTE scoring system is critical to setting realistic goals and focusing on your preparation in areas that carry more weight. You must know how scores are awarded and which areas need improvement. This knowledge also helps you benchmark your scores against specific requirements.

Here is a comprehensive overview of the PTE scoring system, which will help you succeed in the PTE exam.

Understanding the PTE Exam Structure

The Pearson Test of English assesses candidates’ proficiency in key skills for students who want to study in an English-speaking environment. The PTE syllabus and exam format includes 20 question types that measure various language skills over different durations.

PTE Exam Pattern Overview:

PTE Exam Format consists of four sections – Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening. Here is a description of task types in each section:

Speaking and Writing Speaking – 5 Tasks

Writing – 2 Tasks

Speaking Duration: 20-30 minutes

Writing Duration: 30-40 minutes

Types of Questions –

Summarize Spoken Text

Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers

Fill the blanks

Highlight the correct summary

Multiple choice question Single Answer

Select missing word

Highlight incorrect words

Write from dictation

Summarize Written Text


Reading 5 Tasks

Duration: 29-30 minutes

Number of Questions: 13-18

Types of Questions –

Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer

Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers

Re-Order Paragraphs

Reading: Fill in the Blanks

Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks

Listening 8 Tasks

Duration: 30-43 minutes

Number of Questions: 12-20

Types of Questions:

Summarize Spoken Text

Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer

Fill in the Blanks

Highlight Correct Summary

Multiple Choice, Single Answer

Select Missing Word

Highlight Incorrect Words

Write from Dictation

PTE Scoring System Overview

Explanation of the PTE scoring range

The PTE scoring system is a scientific procedure that uses an AI-based methodology to assess the candidate’s skills in all four sections. The PTE score calculator uses sophisticated algorithms and follows stringent PTE scoring standards. The score considers factors like correctness, fluency, and content reflecting authentic language proficiency.

Here is an overview of the scoring system:

  • 79-90 score: This is an 8-band score and shows that you can communicate in English for any social or academic purposes.
  • 65 and 78 score: This is a 7-band score and shows that you can understand complex text and communicate in English fluently.
  • 50 and 64 score: This is a 6-band score reflecting that you can easily comprehend easy-spoken language.
  • 35 and 49 scores: This is a 5-band score, which means you understand the standard English language.

Importance of an Automated Scoring System

The PTE score calculator comes with several advantages:

  1. Automated scoring eliminates human bias which means that all candidates are scored on the same standards.
  2. Results are published at a maximum of 5 business days
  3. This system uses sophisticated algorithms to evaluate sections which means there is less room for errors.
  4. It is a clear and consistent way of evaluating performances. This helps you obtain immediate feedback and helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Types of Skills Assessed: Communicative Skills and Enabling Skills

Here is a list of skills that are assessed using the PTE score system:

  1. Communicative Skills: The PTE scoring system assesses communication skills, including the ability to understand spoken English, comprehend written texts, write English coherently, and frame sentences using proper structure and coherence.
  1. Enabling Skills – Enabling skills include:
  • Correct use of grammatical structures.
  • Smooth flow of speech without excessive hesitation or repetition.
  • Clarity and accuracy of spoken English.
  • Correct spelling of words in writing tasks.
  • Range and appropriateness of words used.
  • Ability to organize and structure written texts.

Detailed Breakdown of Each Section’s Scoring

Reading PTE score is calculated using this breakdown:

Types of Questions Marking Scheme Total Questions
MCQ Single Correct / Incorrect 1-2
Reading: Fill in the Blanks Partial Credit 4-5
Re-order Paragraph Partial Credit 2-3
MCQ Multiple Partial Credit 1-2
Reading & Writing: Fill in the Blanks Partial Credit 5-6

The Listening PTE score is calculated using this breakdown:
Types of Questions Marking Scheme Total Questions
Summarize Spoken Text Partial Credit 1-2
MCQ Multiple Partial Credit 1-2
Listening: Fill in the Blanks Partial Credit 2-3
Highlight Correct Summary Correct / Incorrect 1-2
MCQ Single Partial Credit 5-6
Select Missing Word Correct / Incorrect 1-2
Highlight Incorrect Words Partial Credit 2-3
Write from Dictation Partial Credit 3-4

Speaking and Writing PTE score is calculated using this breakdown
Types of Questions Marking Scheme Total Questions
Read Aloud Partial Credit 6-7
Repeat Sentence Partial Credit 10-12
Describe Image Partial Credit 3-4
Re-tell Lecture Partial Credit 1-2
Answer Short Question Correct / Incorrect 5-6
Summarize Written Text Partial Credit 1-2
Write Essay Partial Credit 1-2

Calculation of Overall PTE Score

Explanation of how individual section scores are combined and weighting of different skills:

Here is a table that describes how individual scores are combined according to weightage. The total is 360 marks, which means 90 marks for each module

Weightage-wise Sequence Questions Marks Sections
Repeat Sentence 10-12 56 Listening 22

Speaking 34

Write from Dictation 3-4 55 Listening 25

Writing 30

Read Aloud 6-7 51.5 Reading 21

Speaking 30.5

Fill in the Blanks (Drop-down) 5-6 50 Reading 25

Writing 25

Summarize Spoken Text 1-2 25 Listening 15

Writing 10

Highlight Incorrect Words 2-3 18 Listening 10

Reading 8

Describe Image 3-4 15 Speaking 15
Re-Tell Lecture 1-2 15 Listening 6

Speaking 9

Summarize Written Text 1-2 15 Reading 7.5

Writing 7.5

Fill in the Blanks (Drag & Drop) 4-5 15 Reading 15
Fill in the Blanks 2-3 15 Listening 9

Writing 6

Write Essay 1-2 10 Writing 10
Re-order Paragraph 2-3 7 Reading 7
Answer Short Question 5-6 6 Listening 4

Speaking 2

Highlight Correct Summary 1-2 2 Listening 1

Reading 1

MCQ – Multiple 1-2 1.5 Reading 1.5
MCQ – Multiple 1-2 1.5 Listening 1.5
MCQ – Single 1-2 0.5 Reading 0.5
MCQ – Single 1-2 0.5 Listening 0.5
Select Missing Word 1-2 0.5 Listening 0.5

The Formula for Calculating the Overall Score

These are the formulas used for calculating the PTE score:

Enabling Skills are scored based on the formula:

Grammar + Fluency + Pronunciation + Spelling + Vocabulary + Written capabilities / 6

Total PTE score calculation uses the formula:

PTE Listening score + Speaking Score + Reading Score + Writing Score + Enabling Skills score / 5

Example Calculation with Hypothetical Scores

Let us understand the PTE scoring process using a hypothetical example:

Arun appears for the PTE exam and scores the following marks:

  • Reading: 48
  • Listening: 52
  • Writing: 71
  • Speaking: 65

His marks for enabling skills are included in the sectional score

Total Overall PTE Score = 48+52+71+65/4 = 59 PTE Score


Understanding the PTE overall score is critical, which helps every candidate assess his skills and work on weaker areas. This practice of using the PTE score calculator can enhance your overall final score and can effectively assess your English language proficiency. It is equally important to understand each section and consider all paramount score requirements to achieve a high overall score. Prepare well for the exam and focus on enabling and communication skills as well. This guide will help you approach the PTE test with confidence and achieve high scores.

Frequently Asked Questions

The enabling skills score is not included in the overall PTE score calculator method. However, the score is included in the communication skills section, which forms an integral part of the sectional overall score.

The PTE score calculator promises a 95% accuracy using a scale of 10 to 90 according to international norms

You can use it every time you appear for a mock test or practice test. It also helps you assess your final test scores based on your performance. This score helps you estimate your PTE evaluation and work on your weaknesses.

You can find it on multiple online sites. Pearson does not have an official PTE score calculator published on its site.

It depends on the purpose of taking the exam and the requirements of the institute or company you are applying to. For example, if you want to study abroad, you must score above 59, and for immigration purposes, your score should be above 76 for a few countries

Published On: July 22nd, 2024 / Categories: PTE /

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