Is PTE Speaking hard? Get high scores with ease

In any situation, for effective communication, one should be able to express their thoughts and feelings freely without any barriers. Through speaking one can share emotions, feelings, and information clearly and help them build relationships. This is why most Language proficiency tests include a speaking section. When it comes to the English Language, The Pearson Test of English Academic is indeed one of the most standardized versions of an English proficiency test taken by non-native English speakers. This blog covers everything from its format to tips, and strategies for acing the PTE Speaking test.

Brief Overview of the PTE Speaking Section

The PTE Speaking module is designed to test one’s speaking through a variety of tasks which are put as real-life scenes of communication simulations. In other words, it tests clarity, fluency, and coherence of the spoken response. One must understand the composition and requirements of the PTE Speaking Test in order to prepare effectively and work out a high score.

Also Read:PTE Score Calculator

Understanding the PTE Speaking Test

Components of the PTE Speaking Section

You will undertake a speaking section of the PTE with many different aspects in each module. Below are a few tasks in the speaking module:

  • Read Aloud: A text will be given to you and it should be read aloud.
  • Repeat Sentence: A sentence will be played, and you have to repeat it exactly as it is.
  • Describe Image: A picture will be displayed on the screen and you have to describe it.
  • Re-tell Lecture: This section contains a lecture or an excerpt, which you have to listen to and recount in your own words.
  • Answer Short Question: This section contains a short question based on your hearing content.

Duration and Scoring

The PTE Speaking and Writing section is usually conducted together and the duration will be around 54-67 minutes, from which the speaking section alone will be about 30-35 minutes long. Every test has a time limit, therefore you have to answer the questions within that allotted time. Pronunciation, Fluency, and content are only a few of the variables assessed for grading. The evaluation process becomes objective and consistent when computer algorithms are used.

Detailed Explanation of Each Task

Read Aloud

You will be shown a text of up to 60 words for the Read Aloud task. You will then read the text clearly and accurately aloud. The task assesses your ability to pronounce words clearly and fluently, making meaning discernible.


  • Regularly read widely a range of texts aloud to develop pronunciation and fluency
  • Pay attention to word pronunciation and correct intonation.
  • Keep pace; do not over-articulate or drawl.

Repeat Sentence

You will be provided with a sentence, and then you have to say it again, the same way you heard it. This module assesses your capability for processing the information you hear and repeating these words.


  • Improve your listening by listening to different audio resources.
  • Pay attention to the structure and intonation of the sentence.
  • Practice the repetition of as many sentences of varied length and complexity.

Describe Image

You will be shown an image, and you will have to describe it within 40 seconds. It can be of graphs, maps, diagrams, or pictures.


  • Take online practice to describe different images.
  • Highlight the key features and details that most strongly convey the underlying information.
  • Write in complete sentences and include precise words that detail key concepts

Re-tell Lecture

For the Re-tell Lecture, you will listen to a lecture or part of one and then in 40 seconds retell it in your own words. This task assesses your ability to understand spoken information and to summarize it.


  • Take notes on the listening to help you focus and get the main ideas.
  • Practice summarizing lectures and speeches.
  • Use cohesive devices to connect your ideas.

Answer Short Question

You will hear a question and should provide a short answer to it. The questions will be based on general knowledge and related to everyday topics.


  • Browse many general questions
  • Have a nice and brief answer displayed finally for each question
  • Increase your vocabulary so that you can answer many different subjects.

Getting Ready for the Tests?

Design a Study Plan

Design a structured study plan and give time to each task, but always allocate more time to your weak points. First of all, identify your strengths and weaknesses in all the tasks. Spend more time on tasks that are relatively not so easy. Define your short-term targets daily and weekly to track your progress effectively.

Regular Practice

The trick behind acing this test is practicing regularly. Get yourself familiar with the test format and develop skills by practicing questions or tests. Some of the key resources that can be utilized are PTE practice tests, sample questions, online PTE speaking practice, and language learning apps with a focus on enhancing speaking skills.

Use Technology

Use technology to help you practice speaking. Rehearse your speaking on various language learning and speech recognition apps and software, and reach out to online resources for feedback. Useful tools that you may find effective are speech recognition in Google Voice or Dragon NaturallySpeaking, language-learning technologies such as Duolingo and Babbel, and online forums or study circles for peer feedback.

Pronunciation and Fluency

PTE Speaking is generally assessed on pronunciation and fluency, so it’s crucial to focus on pronouncing problematic words correctly and maintaining a smooth speech flow. Habituate yourself to native speakers, exercise with tongue twisters for clarity and speed, and record yourself to listen back and identify faults. By regularly recording your responses and reviewing the recordings, you can better understand your errors and work on improving them.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Nervousness and Anxiety

Many students who take the PTE are prone to become flustered while speaking because of anxiety and nervousness. Hence, get ready for the test in a way that you can remain calm and composed while taking the test. Practice breathing techniques, visualization, and regular mindfulness to help you in a relaxed state. On the other hand, you can do some physical exercise regularly to help reduce your stress.

Manage your time

Effective time management helps in completing the test within the stipulated time. It is advised to practice under timed conditions to develop the skill in pacing and completing every test within the timeframe permitted. Use specific time management strategies when taking the PTE Speaking test. Timed practice is necessary for pacing, which enables you to finish all tasks within the allotted time limit. You should practice under timed conditions regularly by noting important points and attempting to omit unnecessary information.

Issues in Pronunciation

Listening to native speech and using phonetic materials can help improve pronunciation, which is one of the most challenging parts of PTE Speaking. Practice phonetic training to get accustomed to the sounding of difficult sounds. Do shadowing: listen to oral speech and repeat it word-for-word, articulating every word. Guides, dictionaries, and speech synthesizers will also be helpful in learning pronunciation and promoting clarity of speech in general.

Lack of vocabulary

A lack of vocabulary frequently becomes a barrier line in expressing thoughts and ideas. Vocabulary enables you to build up your linguistic competence, so expand your vocabulary by reading, learning new words

Difficulty in Listening

Listening comes as the keystone of any PTE Speaking test, and to achieve this, you can get prepared by listening to different types of audio material, such as podcasts, news, and lectures. Listen to a wide array of English podcasts, watch series and movies in English with the subtitles on, and do all exercises related to listening and practice tests regularly. The kind of exposure this will provide will help in improving your listening ability and performance.


The PTE Speaking test is holistic in the sense that it gauges one’s speaking ability in terms of proficiency that can be exerted by the candidate in communicating using English. The format, followed by consistent practice, and the ability to overcome common challenges with that specific format can guide one closer to performing much better and securing a high score. Remember, persistent effort and following a well-structured strategy are key steps toward acing the PTE Speaking section. Happy studying, and all the best for your PTE Speaking test preparation!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Speaking test under PTE consists of tasks like Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Re-tell Lecture, Answer Short Questions, and Personal Introduction. These prove your skill in speaking fluently and clearly.

For those who do not speak English regularly, the PTE Speaking test can be challenging. But it’s quite manageable if you do practice and get familiar with the test format.

The candidate should express himself clearly, at a natural speed, and without long pauses to achieve a score of 70. The test tasks are suggested to be practiced regularly so that they develop the skill of good pronunciation and fluency.

Enhance your score by practicing, recording your responses, listening to them, and taking feedback. Improve your pronunciation, fluency, and oral grammar.

These scores are based on your actual performance in every speaking task. Each of the tasks contributes to an overall grade for speaking. The automated scoring system assesses aspects such as fluency, pronunciation, and the correctness of your response.

Published On: August 5th, 2024 / Categories: PTE /

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