PTE Speaking Preparation Made Easy: Tips, Mock Tests, and Resources

Unlike other language tests, the response from the test taker in the PTE Academic test gets scored by artificial intelligence while being 100 percent computer-based. Since the scoring is automated, giving special importance to the speaking section is a must because the ability to communicate effectively in spoken English would be thoroughly evaluated. Speaking tests in the PTE Academic section will be a bit tough because pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and content accuracy will be tested in this section. With this section, you are sure to score high marks in the overall test score if you want permanent residency or if it is for study abroad. Preparation and knowing how that section is structured, the type of tasks, and the best methods to score high in that section will always help you greatly. In this blog, we are going to discuss PTE Speaking tips, and practical exercises on the topic, and go through some of the fantastic PTE mock test resources to guide you towards success. It is the one-stop location for improving fluency, working on pronunciation, and avoiding some pitfalls. So, read and find out the tricks to ace the PTE Academic speaking test!

Understanding the PTE Speaking Section

To do well in the PTE Speaking section, one must know and understand the tasks involved in it, the time limits, and the scoring criteria. Let’s break it down!

Tasks Involved

  • Read Aloud

The Read-Aloud task involves a short text appearing on your screen. You are to read this aloud but within an exact time span. Your power to pronounce words clearly, with adequate intonation, and fluency would be tested through this task. Typically, the length of the text for the item has to be covered in 30-40 seconds. Thus, clarity has to be balanced with speed. The PTE Academic speaking section demands that the answer be delivered fluently, or without hesitation or unnatural pauses, to ensure a good score for this section.


  • Repeat Sentence

In the Repeat Sentence task, you will be presented with a sentence and required to reproduce it word-for-word. Your listening ability is tested and your ability to reproduce language clearly. You are given about 3-5 seconds after the presentation of the sentence, so focus on memory as well as pronunciation. To effectively complete this task within the PTE Academic Speaking module, you need to exhibit clear diction and accurate repetition.


  • Describe an Image

Describe an Image task. You will view a graph, chart, or picture of one of these varieties. Describe it briefly. The task checks how you can concisely convey visual information in a clear and accurate form. You are expected to identify the most telling aspects of the picture and comment on its meaning or direction within 25-40 seconds per task. Once again, make sure to emphasize structure, logical flow, and vocabulary. That way, your description will be informative and accurate.


  • Re-tell Lecture

The Re-tell Lecture task involves listening to the lecture for which you must summarise the main information in your own words. This is aimed at assessing how the information may be extracted from oral text and can be delivered fluently and coherently. You will have 40 seconds after listening to present your answer as you are supposed to concentrate on this process. This tests your listening and speaking and requires you to present and organize information well.


  • Answer Short Questions

In the Answer Short Questions task, you will hear a question and be expected to give a very short, direct answer. This activity tests general knowledge and the ability to respond quickly to be accurate. The questions are very straightforward; your response should be very brief, very often within 10-20 seconds. This part of PTE Academic Speaking tests your ability to think on the spot and respond quickly, with still clarity and precision, in your spoken answer.

Scoring Criteria in the PTE Academic Speaking Test

The PTE Speaking section is marked against some basic criteria reflecting your general linguistic proficiency. Pronunciation would also come into play, and you should be able to pronounce the word clearly enough for a native speaker to understand you. Fluency is also of prime importance that you can speak without or with minimal unnecessary pauses or hitches. Any form of slow speech and too many pauses will only reduce your scoring potential. 

Along with this, your content of answers should be obviously well-written and so should relate all the important points in the assignment so that you have addressed all that is required of you in the task. Last but not the least, through proper use of grammar and vocabulary, you will be able to bring clear flow to your sentences with varied vocabulary thereby proving your usage of the language is commendable. By knowing what is graded you’re able to see areas that require enhancement, thus targeting key areas while preparing.

How to Prepare for Speaking Test in PTE Academic

Understand Task Requirements: You should know what is required for each task. This ensures that there will be less uncertainty and stress during the actual exam time.
Pronunciation Skill: Speak more clearly and accurately. Use Forvo, which gives the pronunciation of words in many languages, to learn pronunciation of difficult words.
Fluency: Candidates mainly lose marks because of fluency. Use them to the fullest by not speaking with too many interjectory pauses or hesitations and repetitions. Practice speaking on any topic unbroken for lengthy periods to ensure fluency.
Mimic Native Speakers: Try listening to English language films or programs, and then try to repeat the words that were used; listen for rhythm, tone, and other elements of pronunciation.
Reading aloud: You could listen to books or news on the radio and then try to read it out loud with new sounds, a quicker cadence, and a more emotive tone. Play back the recording of your reading and use that as your input.
Shadowing Technique: Listening to an audio tape and trying to imitate the speaker’s speech is known as shadowing. You can get natural pronunciation and phrases with the help of this method as well as increase fluency.

PTE Speaking Practice Resources

Take Mock Tests: Mock tests are quite similar to the real test scenario and make you familiarize with the pattern and time. PTE Speaking provides authentic mock tests from Pearson, which are relatively close to the real test.
Sample Questions: Try to Practice with sample questions in order to practice certain individual tasks, such as ‘Read Aloud’ and ‘Repeat Sentence’. Free sample questions are available on the official Pearson PTE website and popular PTE Tutorials and E2Language platforms.
Speaking Partners: You get a fantastic opportunity to speak contextually with a language partner. You can find language exchange partners from websites like Speaky or ConversationExchange.

Other Mock Test Websites: Apart from Pearson, there are E2Language, PTE Practice Tests, and ApeUni offering PTE Speaking mock tests with a graphical representation of your progress on time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in the PTE Academic Speaking Test

Avoid these common errors during the PTE Speaking test to not waste your marks.

Speaking Too Fast: Most test-takers rush through the test and speak with very poor articulation and sometimes even omit the word. Be slow and deliberate when speaking something so that everything is clear and complete.
Hesitations and Pauses: It is quite all right to think before speaking, but too many pauses will adversely affect your fluency score. Practice saying answers using a pre-planned structure to avoid hesitation.
Lack of Content: While doing tasks like ‘Re-tell Lecture’ or ‘Describe Image,’ you have to say the gist without digressing.

To Summarize

While Preparing for the PTE Speaking section one needs to exploit all the available resources and have a good understanding of the scoring criteria. By doing a few mock tests, practicing sample questions, and using speaking partners, one can gain mastery and build up skills and confidence to perform them accurately. Regular practice along with familiarizing yourself with the format or pattern of the exam will definitely help to improve your performance. With these strategies, you’ll be on your way to accomplishing the score you want to acquire in the PTE Academic Speaking section. Keep up the good work!

Frequently Asked Questions

You can prepare for the PTE Speaking by taking practice tests, practicing sample questions, and even some speaking exercises to get yourself accustomed to the test format and pace. Finally, you might also consider practicing with speech partners to become even more confident and fluent.

To get good marks in the speaking section, it is advisable to listen to the pronunciation of words and speak fluently without any breaks in your sentences and also to ensure that each answer you are giving comprises the overall sense of what every question is asking. Self-practice is also a good way to check if there are flaws in it and along with that, feedback.

Try to read aloud from some texts and listen to the natives as that will give you room to imitate the kind of tone and rhythm they have, so when you go for your PTE Speaking test, you may be talking better. You can also practice specific pronunciation drills using apps and other tools that could really help in making your speech clear.

To score 79 on PTE speaking you will need high-level vocabulary and practice every day mastering every sort of task paying attention to pronunciation, fluency, and content correctness. To deliberately and purposefully improve one has to sit for focused practice exams and get helpful criticism.

PTE General and PTE Academic tests are different in nature; each test has a different purpose.

PTE Academic for students applying to universities, PTE General for general English, jobs, and immigration purposes.

Published On: September 25th, 2024 / Categories: PTE /

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