Perfect Your PTE Writing: Top Tips and Strategies from Experts

Want to simplify your study, work, or visa application process in an English-speaking country? Then cracking PTE should be your next focus. The Pearson Test for English (PTE), is a standardized English language test that assesses your English Language proficiency in academic and professional context. PTE opens doors for abundant work opportunities and university admissions in countries like the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and more. The candidates will be evaluated on the basis of four key skills: Reading, writing, Listening, and Speaking. This blog will give you a complete breakdown of the PTE writing section, the Dos and Don’ts, and a few tips to ace the test! So, dive in.

PTE Writing Section Overview

A key component of the test is the PTE Writing section, which assesses your proficiency in academic English. This section mainly consists of two tasks: Summarize a written text and write an essay. Each task is designed to evaluate a distinct component of your writing skill. In the summarize a written test task, your ability to summarize a passage into a single clear sentence is tested. Meanwhile, the write-an-essay task evaluates your ability to arrange ideas, make concise arguments, and utilize clear language by having you create a well-structured argument or viewpoint on a specific subject. By grasping the format, honing your skills in grammar, vocabulary, coherence, and argumentation, you can elevate your writing performance and achieve a top score.

Structure of the PTE Writing Section

You will usually see the Speaking and Writing section together. Both the speaking and writing skills of the candidate will be evaluated within a total allocated time of 54-67 minutes. The key writing parts are:

  1. Summarize a text
  2. Write an essay

The total time to complete the PTE writing task will be 30 minutes.

Task1: Summarize a text

In this task, the candidates are required to provide a summary of the given passage in a single sentence. They should not exceed the maximum word limit, which is 75 words and the task should be completed within 10 minutes. For this task, it is essential to incorporate the main points from the passage while using connectors to ensure clarity.

They summarize a text task, and analyze your skills such as reading comprehension and the ability to condense information clearly. The best approach to this task would be to focus on the main ideas and key details to create a short and simple summary that accurately reflects the essence of the passage.

Task 2: Write an Essay

For the Write an Essay task, the candidates are expected to write a coherent and well-organized essay on a specific topic. The word limit for this task is around 200-300 words, which is to be completed within 20 minutes. There will be a word count on the screen, so don’t fret!

The Write an Essay task evaluates your skills in developing essay structure, argument development, and use of clear, precise language. The best strategy for this task would be to plan your essay structure, create your argument with appropriate examples, and make sure the essay is grammatically accurate.

Each task is scored based on a set of criteria, including grammar, content, and structure. The PTE writing section is scored on a scale of 10 to 90, with scores reflecting your proficiency in writing tasks.

Tips to Perfect the Summarize a Written Text Task

To stand out in the PTE summary writing task, follow these steps to craft a concise and up-to-the-point summary.

  • Read the passage carefully: Grasp the main idea of the given passage by quickly skimming through it. This will give you a general sense of the content and structure. Then, read again! This time make sure to carefully go through the passage, line by line and extract the key details, without getting bogged down by minor details.
  • Identify the main idea: The foundation of your summary lies in understanding the main idea of the passage. Focus on pinpointing the central idea of the text. Find out the keywords, phrases, or repeated ideas that point toward the main concept.
  • Draft a clear sentence: The overall score of this task depends on how you encapsulate the overall idea of the given text. Make a single sentence that conveys the main theme of the passage without including unnecessary details or examples. Focus on keeping it concise and comprehensive.
  • Use simple language: Craft your sentence using straightforward language without oversimplifying it. Adding complex structure and vocabulary can confuse the readers.


  • Revise and review: After finishing your summarized sentence, review it again for accuracy and clarity.

Tips For a Perfect Essay

To create an effective essay for the PTE writing section, follow these steps.

  • Plan your essay: Before you start writing your essay, it is advised to make an outline of what you wish to write. Make a structure of the essay such as the introduction, main body, and conclusion. This first step guarantees that your essay will have a logical flow.
  • Write a strong introduction: A strong introduction sets the direction of your essay. So, it is essential to write an introduction that is clear, compelling, and catches the eyes of the readers. It should tell the readers what the essay is about. A well-crafted introduction grabs the reader’s attention and conveys the context to them clearly.
  • Develop your points: The body of the essay is where you explain the main points that are introduced first. You support the arguments with relevant examples, evidence, and reasoning. This makes your arguments authentic and provides a roundabout idea of the topic. Don’t forget to provide smooth transitions between each paragraph.
  • Conclude effectively: They may be at the last, but conclusions play a vital role when writing essays. It should summarize the key points in your essay and restate the thesis in light of the arguments presented. A good conclusion glues together the main ideas and points presented in the essay and can leave a lasting impression on the reader.
  • Revise and Edit: Final touches are very important when it comes to writing. The minute you stop writing the essay, make sure to read it again from the top. Go through everything and make the necessary edits. Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes or any unclear sentences. Polish everything before submitting, to provide a coherent and error-free essay.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in The PTE Writing Task

Summarize the written text

  1. Overloading with details: Filtering out minor details is important while writing the summary for your essay. You shouldn’t include too many details while writing the summary, as it can make it lengthy and unfocused. Make it a clear and concise sentence capturing the essence of the text given.
  2. Misinterpreting the Passage: To make the summary of the passage, you should be clear with what the passage is about. Misinterpretation can lead to a summary that does not reflect the original meaning. Fully comprehend the main idea and key points of the passage before drafting the summary.
  3. Grammar errors: If you want the summary to be readable to the audience, ensure to make very few to no grammatical errors as possible. Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure play a vital role in the clarity of the summary. These factors can affect the quality of the summary.

Writing Essay

  1. Lack of structure: For your essay to be readable to the readers, you have to draft it using proper structure. The essay should have a clear introduction, main paragraph, and conclusion. If the essay is disorganized, it can disrupt the flow of ideas, making it unclear. A well-structured essay is essential to provide clarity and logical sense to the readers.
  2. Weak arguments: To convince the readers about the points you make on the essay, you should back it up with strong and robust arguments. This can demonstrate your critical thinking abilities and articulate your points effectively. Your essay should present robust arguments supported with relevant examples.
  3. Grammar and punctuation errors: To improve the quality of your writing, you have to reduce the grammar and punctuation errors. If there are more errors, it can make your essay look like it’s unpolished and unprofessional. Proofread the essay before submitting it.


Acing the PTE writing section requires a thorough understanding of the tasks, structure, effective strategies, and diligent practice. By focusing on the specific requirements of the Summarize the written text and write essay tasks, and avoiding common mistakes, you can significantly improve your performance. Regular practice and thoughtful review will enhance your writing skills.  If you approach the PTE Writing task with a strategic mindset, then success will be within your reach. Wishing you luck in your PTE journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

The PTE Academic comprises two writing tasks in total. One is the “Summarize Written Text,” and another is to present a summary of a given passage in one sentence within 10 minutes. Another one is the “Write an Essay,” where you are supposed to write an essay of 200-300 words on a given topic within 20 minutes on clarity, coherence, proper structure, and grammatical accuracy.

The writing in the PTE ranges from 0 to 90. All of the tasks contribute to this overall scale score. In “Summarize Written Text,” scoring focuses on content and form, which is the length and structure, grammar, and vocabulary. In “Write an Essay,” scoring includes content, development, structure, coherence, grammar, general linguistic range, and vocabulary. These combine to provide the total writing score.

The structure for every PTE essay will contain an introduction, body, and conclusion. Introduce the topic and state the writer’s position. Each body paragraph contains only one point supporting the position, with an explanation and examples. Conclusion—the conclusion is a summary of the main points, restating the writer’s position. The essay will be 200-300 words long, clear, and logically organized.

Published On: July 27th, 2024 / Categories: PTE /

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