Understanding Coherence and Cohesion

When it comes to taking the IELTS test, the IELTS Writing task is no simple feat. In both versions of IELTS; Academic and General, you are presented with two tasks, and one of them is to write an essay. Just like how blueprints are vital for architects, writing an essay should be clear and logical with the right format. It should captivate the examiner with its clarity and coherence.

Why is coherence and cohesion so important for this task? It plays a significant role as it makes up to 25 percent of the overall score. Think of a carefully constructed puzzle. Your ideas must align perfectly and fit together while writing an essay, just like the puzzle pieces. Coherence ensures logical sense and order, which makes it easy to follow. Cohesion on the other hand acts like the glue that holds your ideas together, providing smooth transitions that make the writing a seamless narrative.

In the IELTS writing task, demonstrating coherence and cohesion can significantly enhance the readability and impact of your essay. It demonstrates to the examiner that you can produce meaningful content and organize it logically and understandably. This blog will explore these concepts in detail and provide strategies to enhance them in your writing.

Understanding Coherence

Coherence is all about the logical flow and clarity of your ideas. It makes sure that the reader can simply follow your argument from the beginning to the end. Consider coherence as the framework for your essay., offering a distinct arrangement that leads the reader through your points of arguments.

An essay is considered coherent when every paragraph flows into the next, forming a well-organized and cohesive narrative. The examiner can understand the contents better if your ideas follow a logical order. Your essays will be both readable and appealing if your ideas are coherently organized and lead the reader through the argument in a clear and logical manner. Therefore, achieving coherence is crucial for accomplishing impact and clarity in your essay writing assignment.

Elements Of Coherence

  • Logical flow:  Coherence is mostly about the logical progression of ideas. your ideas should flow smoothly from one point to the next in an essay. This is accomplished by adhering to an essay format that is straightforward and well-organized, usually consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.
  • Clear main idea: Every paragraph in your essay should be centered around a clear main idea that supports the overall argument. This focus makes sure that each section of your essay makes a significant contribution to the main idea.
  • Topic sentences: Starting each paragraph with a topic sentence that presents the primary concept of the paragraph promotes effective cohesion. This method creates a structure for the content that follows and gives the readers a clear idea of what to expect in the paragraph.
  • Supporting details: Each paragraph should begin with the topic sentence and be followed by information that supports it, such as illustrations, evidence, or explanations for the key points. In order to guarantee that the paragraph successfully supports the essay’s main thesis, these details must be significant and provide the argument more substance
  • Paragraphing: Proper paragraphing is key for maintaining coherence. By segmenting your essay to distinct paragraphs, you can arrange your thoughts into manageable sections that will facilitate the reader’s ability to follow and understand your point of view. Every paragraph should be unique yet maintain a relationship with the paragraphs that come before and after it, adding to the essay’s overall coherence.

Achieving Cohesion

Cohesive writing involves using linking words and phrases to seamlessly connect concepts within and between sentences and paragraphs. It makes sure your essay doesn’t seem like a random assortment of ideas but rather a cohesive whole. Every paragraph should concentrate on a single, distinct idea in order to create coherence. It is important to present this concept concisely, develop it, and provide significant examples to back it up. Combining several themes in one paragraph will throw off the writing’s flow and reduce its coherence.

Although using complicated sentences can make your essay seem more sophisticated, you must use them wisely. Making complex sentences that enhance your work and complex sentences that confuse the reader are two very different things. When making sentences, make sure to keep them as simple and readable as possible by avoiding stuffing them with too many clauses. Furthermore, using the right punctuation can help to simplify and make complex statements easier to understand. Using punctuation correctly enables you to separate the various elements of your sentences, which improves the coherence and readability of your writing. 

How to Enhance Cohesion?

  1. Use of pronouns: incorporate pronouns such as “it”, “this”, “these”, and “they” to reference previously mentioned ideas. This method keeps your writing flowing naturally and prevents needless repetition. For example, use “this” to refer to something introduced earlier in subsequent sentences.
  2. Transitional words and phrases: To connect sentences use transitional words like “however”, “therefore”, “moreover” and “in addition”. These transitional components lead the reader through the essay and clearly make the connections between various ideas. For instance, “however” can introduce a contrast, and “moreover” can add additional information.
  3. Consistent use of tenses: Ensure that you maintain the same tense throughout the essay unless a shift in the time frame is needed. Consistent use of tenses ensures smooth flow and prevents reader confusion.
  4. Repetition and synonyms: Use repetition to highlight key points and synonyms to avoid monotony while maintaining clarity. Repeating important words or terms reinforces their significance while synonyms keep your writing appealing.

Implementing these strategies will improve the cohesion of your essay, resulting in a more readable and engaging piece for the examiner.

Strategies for Enhancing Coherence and Cohesion

Planning your essay

It is important to plan your essay before you start writing. Roughly outline the main ideas and decide how you will elaborate on these points in each paragraph. This will make sure your essay will have a clear structure and logical flow.

Writing clear topic sentences

Starting each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea is advised. This makes the essay easier to follow for the readers, ensuring that each paragraph contributes to your overall argument.

Using linking words and phrases

Utilize a number of linking words and phrases to connect your ideas. Try to use transitions not only between paragraphs but also within paragraphs to link sentences smoothly. This includes the usage of words like “however”, “for example”, “as a result” etc.

Ensuring logical progression

It is best not to jump between unrelated ideas, as it can confuse the readers. Ensure that you progress your essay logically. Each paragraph should naturally move from one to the other, creating a cohesive argument.

Reviewing and revising 

Once you complete your essay, take some time to review it. Go through the essay and check for areas where coherence and cohesion can be improved. Make appropriate changes to improve the readability of the essay.

Common Errors and How to Avoid Them


  1. Jumping between ideas: it is a bad idea to jump between unrelated ideas, as it can shatter the flow of the essay. Try to stick to one main idea in each paragraph.
  2. Overuse of pronouns: Pronouns can enhance the cohesion of your essay, but if you use them unnecessarily, it can confuse the readers.
  3. Lack of transitions: If there is a lack of transitional words, it can make your essay look like a list of disarranged points. So, ensure that you add appropriate linking words to enhance the readability of your essay.
  4. Inconsistent tenses: If you switch between tenses unnecessarily, it will disrupt the flow of your essay. Try adhering to a consistent tense throughout the essay.
  5. Repetition of ideas: Avoid paraphrasing the same sentence over and over again. Try bringing in something fresh in each sentence.

Practice Exercises

Paragraph structuring

 From a sample essay, take a paragraph and identify the topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence. Try to improve the coherence and cohesion by rewriting the sentence.

Linking ideas

Try writing short essays on a topic, emphasizing on transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas.

Peer review

Feedback from your peers can be useful in many ways. Exchange your essays with your peers and find out areas where coherence and cohesion can be improved.

Creating outlines

Practice making outlines for your essays first. This can help you organize your ideas and will ensure that your essay has a logical flow.

Identifying linking words

Read as many essays as you can and identify linking words and phrases used. Evaluate how they are included in the essay and how they contribute to coherence and cohesion.


By now you might have understood how important coherence and cohesion is while preparing for your IELTS writing task. They are the secret tools that create outstanding essays that catch the reader’s eye. By mastering the concepts and strategies shared in this blog, you can transform your writing into a clear and compelling narrative. With dedication and regulation practice your dream score is within your grasp.

Frequently Asked Questions

A simple way would be to ensure that your ideas are well connected. Try to use clear topic sentences, logical transitions, and consistent pronoun references. Also, implement conjunctions and linking words whenever necessary

Let’s consider a paragraph:

I baked a cake yesterday. First, I mixed the ingredients in a large bowl. Then, I preheated the oven. After that, I poured the batter into the baking vessel. Finally, I baked it until it was golden and fluffy. The cake turned out to be delicious.

In this example, cohesion is achieved through words like “first”, “then”, “finally”, and “After that” which help connect the steps in the baking process.

it contributes to 25 percent of your overall score in IELTS. it makes sure your ideas are logically organized and connected. This makes the essay more effective and easier to read.

Published On: July 24th, 2024 / Categories: IELTS /

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