Learn OSCE with Neethu’s: OSCE training in Kerala

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    Neethu’s Academy- OSCE training in Kerala, India

    OSCE is a very strict and standardized assessment process. It includes basic procedures of nursing and the healthcare profession. The examiners evaluate the level of performance based on the criteria which have been stated for each station individually.

    Candidate must pass the OSCE-C1 test in order to be registered as a professional. When you learn by taking part in our Online OSCE learning, you will gain confidence and knowledge. The course is designed to help you prepare for your OSCE with ease as it teaches from the basics to advanced topics.

    Many nurses would need more time to prepare for their OSCE, but online learning videos can act as an important resource to prepare at their own pace. You may want to self-learn and appear for the OSCE test without face-to-face training. Online OSCE learning can support self-learning.

    The OSCE test is no easy thing to pass on. It is not only a test of your temperament but also of your cognitive skills and medical knowledge. You need trained professionals to help you pass the examination, and we can offer that support. You just need to practice, and we will give you all the feedback you need for you to excel in the OSCE exam.

    Neethu’s Academy provides the best quality OSCE training in Kerala you can get. The best part about our institute is that it is led by experts who have a very profound knowledge of the OSCE Test. It ensures the success of all students. Moreover, we offer a host of other technologically advanced facilities to create success in your lives. The OSCE NMC is one of the most demanding exams in the world and therefore it is important that you do your best. This is where I come into play as Neethu’s Academy, one of the finest OSCE training centers in Kochi helps you prepare for the exam and make sure that you do well. Get the best training that will help you prepare well for your OSCE.

    What is OSCE Exam?

    The OSCE is a test that assesses knowledge, skills, and patient assessment skills. It tests the ability to work according to UK standards. The exam will demonstrate evidence of competence in the main tasks of nursing, including decision-making, communication, leading, and managing patients. Participants may be given practice exams before taking their examination; these will help prepare them for the real thing and discourage any unnecessary anxiety or stress.

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    Through direct observation and objective testing, it evaluates competency. It is accurate, impartial, and reproducible, enabling students to be uniformly tested for a variety of clinical abilities. In contrast to a conventional clinical exam, the OSCE could assess abilities like communication and the capacity to deal with unpredictable patient behavior which is most important to a healthcare professional’s success. It is a tool that is used to evaluate both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The medical students have to communicate with the patients and evaluate their medical past. OSCE has become the standard mode of assessment in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. The clinical tasks should be completed within a specified time as per the criteria. It is used to evaluate the candidate’s skill to assess their communication ability with patients. It evaluates various skills of clinical students within a short span of time.

    Facts about OSCE

    • A performance-based test
    • Assess what candidates can do rather than what they know
    • The application of knowledge rather than the recall of knowledge
    • The examination is organized in the form of several stations (different places where          exam being conducted)
    • Duration: 5 minutes per station
    • The OSCE exam rooms are occupied by a uniquely challenging patient (tests the nursing skill of the candidate in a real-time environment)
    • Examination hall is a hospital ward, with an active and busy atmosphere
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    The assessment station is a place to gather information about the patient’s general state of health, current problems and their goals. As the nursing practitioner gathers this information, they will make important observations about your person that can be used to develop treatment plans..

    The basis of planning involves identifying the key elements of care that you want to address, such as your goals and psychiatric symptoms. Next, you develop a plan based on those aspects, using a holistic approach that considers how well patients feel emotionally, physically, and mentally.

    Identify and use a system that ensures the accurate, timely, and complete recording of patient care activities by clinicians.

    All of these are stages of nursing and midwifery care. These include assessment, evaluation, planning and management, implementation, monitoring, and evaluating the outcomes of care. At the practical stations, it is very important that you read the instructions carefully and ask questions if you are unsure of anything


    OSCE is a practical exam for nurses and midwives trained outside European Union.
    The OSCE simulation test evaluates nurses' knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to their roles as healthcare providers. Typically, this is done over several days. Nurses are required to demonstrate the appropriate patient interaction with clinical information, patient assessment and monitoring, management of crises related to physical health and safety and the delivery of safe nursing care.
    The OSCE exam takes three hours.

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