Day to Day learning tips to grasp IELTS language

Learning is always about the efforts you put in and definitely it becomes effective when you make it part of your life. So, here are a few tips that need to be followed if you wish to grasp the IELTS language in an easy manner.

  • Make Entertainment into Infotainment: Watching web series, and films and listening to podcasts are the most dependent ways of entertainment these days. Then, why have second thoughts about making this entertainment into an infotainment mode? This can be definitely used as one of the best ways to learn a language. Nowadays, this method is used by many as it makes tremendous changes in their learning. While learning English for your IELTS test, watching a series in English without using subtitles and thereafter switching on the subtitles in your native language to see how much you could understand is a great way that can be easily done. Taking note of idioms, expressions, phrases, or words that you found difficult or confusing also needs to be encouraged.
  • Writing: It’s never ever an old-school thought to learn and keep note of whatever you learn. With rise in the technology, lot many of us underestimate the power of writing. Writing is the best way to memorize things for a longer period. Learning a new language, let it be English or any other, always keep a notebook with you to write down every new word or grammar point you come across while reading or listening. This way of learning is the most effective way that will really help you to memorize things in a much better way. Highlighting the important contents using different inks and making them eye-catching will also help in remembering the important contexts.
  • Open your mouth and have a go: You should never get afraid of a new language. Only mistakes can help in learning. Be it reading, writing, or speaking only practice helps. So, show up the courage to open your mouth and speak up and likewise make writing and practicing the right pronunciations a habit. And also accept criticisms in a positive way but also ensure the corrections told by others are right before making it a practice. So, keep on learning it continuously, until you achieve your goal.
  • Record yourself: Record your mock speaking test by getting a friend or helper for practicing online or at home with you. Both can play candidate and examiner wherein you can record your mock speaking tests and see how you are performing and where there are gaps. Try and note down everything you said in the form of a transcript, this will help you identify errors faster.
  • Join IELTS Coaching: Though, it’s true that the above-mentioned tips will help in IELTS, don’t ever forget the fact that it is a globally recognized exam that is used to test an individual’s capability to read, write, speak, and listen in the English language. This exam is mostly taken by those who wish to move to an English-speaking country like the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, or New Zealand. So, proper IELTS coaching is necessary for everyone, even if you believe that you sound good in English, to learn the basic format. A reputed coaching institute of IELTS prepares you thoroughly to manage time and also offers you some tips that are required to score high bands in IELTS.

Are you interested in enrolling for IELTS coaching at Neethu’s Academy? Click here for more information.

Published On: June 17th, 2023 / Categories: IELTS /

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