All You Need to Know About OET Score Calculation

The Occupational English Test (OET) is an English language test that evaluates an individual’s English reading, writing, listening, and speaking capabilities in a medical or healthcare setting. This test is essential for healthcare professionals who want to practice and register in an English-speaking environment.

While all the candidates take the same reading and listening tests, the writing and speaking tests change according to the different healthcare professions. There are 12 types of OET tests, each tailored to a specific healthcare profession.

Since September 2018, candidates of the OET are graded on a scale from 0-500 in ten-point increments (such as 350, 360, 370, and so on) for each of the four sections, known as subtests. To easily calculate and interpret your results, you can use an OET score calculator. In this article, we will help you understand the OET grading system in detail.

Components of the OET Score

OET is a 3-hour long test divided into 4 subtests, structured as follows:

Subtest Duration Content Requirements OET Grading System
Listening 40 minutes 3 parts OET candidates must be able to understand multiple spoken materials, including lectures and patient consultations. Total 42 marks:
Part A – 24 marksPart B – 6 marksPart C – 12 marks

To score 350 marks out of 500, i.e. B grade, you must score at least 30 marks.

Reading 60 minutes 3 parts OET candidates must be able to understand various types of written healthcare-related materials. Total 42 marks:
Part A – 20 marksPart B – 6 marksPart C – 16 marks

To score 350 marks out of 500, i.e. B grade, you must score at least 30 marks.

Writing 45 minutes 1 part Based on the candidate’s healthcare profession, they should be able to write a clear and accurate letter for the reader. Total 6 criteria:

To score a B grade, you must score 2 out of 3 for Purpose,

and 5 out of 7 for each of the remaining criteria.

Speaking Value 4 20 minutes Value 4 2 parts Value 4 Based on the candidate’s healthcare profession, they should be able to communicate effectively in a role-play scenario. Total 9 criteria, split into 2 groups:

Linguistics (6 criteria)

Clinical Communication (3 criteria)

To score a B grade, you must get 5 out of 6 on each linguistic criterion and 2 out of 3 in the clinical communication criteria.

Note: Scoring a B grade in OET is important because it indicates a proficiency level in English that is sought after in most healthcare systems.

1. Listening Test Format

Part A

  • You will need to listen to 2 audio recordings of 4-5 minutes each. For each audio recording, you will need to answer 12 questions with a word or short phrase that you hear. Answering correctly will reflect positively on your OET listening score chart.

Part B

  • You will need to listen to 6 audio recordings of 45 seconds each. For each audio recording, you will need to answer one MCQ with 3 options.

Part C

  • Here, you will need to listen to 2 audio recordings of 4-5 minutes each. For each audio recording, you will need to answer 6 MCQs with 3 options.

2. Reading Test Format

Part A

  • Matching Questions: To answer these questions, you will need to locate the text in which the answer lies.
  • Short Answer Questions: To answer these, you will need to write a word, phrase, or number from the provided texts.
  • Sentence Completion Questions: Here, you will need to locate the correct part from the provided text to complete the sentence.

Part B

  • You will be provided 6 short extracts of 100-140 words, followed by an MCQ for each. You will need to read those extracts and choose one out of three options in the given MCQ.

Part C

  • You will be provided two long extracts of around 800 words each. For each text, you will need to answer 8 MCQs and choose one correct option from the given four options.

3. Writing Test Format

  • In this subtest, you will be required to write a formal letter on a topic related to your profession. To write it, you must use the case notes. The OET assessors will evaluate you on 6 criteria. They are:
  • Purpose
  • Content
  • Genre and style
  • Conciseness and clarity
  • Organization and layout
  • Language

4. Speaking Test Format

Here, you will have 5 minutes each for 2 profession-related role-play interactions that you will be required to carry out. You will be evaluated based on the linguistic and clinical communication criteria.

How to Calculate OET Score?

To calculate your OET score, you must first understand the above-discussed OET grading system for each of the 4 subtests.

You must score 350 out of 500 (i.e. B grade) for each subtest because it indicates a level of proficiency that is wanted in the majority of healthcare systems. Additionally, you must also be well acquainted with the OET score chart.

OET Grade OET Scores IELTS Equivalent Band Score Level of English
A 450 – 500 Band 8.0 – 9.0

(Very Good User – Expert User)

High proficiency in the English language. Candidates with this score can communicate fluently and accurately in the English language with correct intonation and modulation. They can also understand written and verbal documents easily.
B 350 – 440 Band 7.0 – 7.5

(Good User)

These candidates communicated effectively by using the appropriate intonation and modulation. The occasional inaccuracies and hesitations did not hamper the effectiveness of the communication. Thus, candidates understood English nicely in the clinical context.
C+ 300-340 Band 6.5

(Competent User)

These candidates can communicate adequately in English. However, there were some occasional errors.
C 200-290 Band 5.5 – 6.0

(Modest User – Competent User)

While these candidates were able to understand standard English, they needed clarification and help with higher-level language.
D 100-190 Band 4.0 – 5.0

(Extremely Limited – Limited Users)

These candidates understood straightforward factual information related to their field. However, they struggled with interactions. Also, there were frequent errors, misuse, and overuse of technical language.
E 0-90 Band 0.0 – 4.0

(Non-User – Intermittent User)

These candidates were able to understand basic and familiar phrases; however, they could interact only if the other person was ready to clarify. There was a high density of errors, misuse, and overuse of technical language, which formed a barrier to communication.

By using an OET score calculator, you will be able to know your scores easily and with accuracy.

Your overall OET band score is important because it will represent your ability to provide quality healthcare services by being able to communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals. It will also boost your career advancement as a healthcare professional in English-speaking countries.

What are OET Marking Criteria?

The OET marking criteria are customized specifically for each of the 4 subtests. Understanding these criteria will help you achieve your desired scores and pursue your healthcare professions in English-speaking countries.

Listening and Reading

The OET marking criteria for listening and reading include:

  • Candidates should be able to understand details, main ideas, and specific information given in the audio recordings.
  • Scoring will be done based on the candidate’s ability to identify and extract specific information like the patient’s name, number, and medical condition.
  • The candidate’s ability to understand information, make inferences, and draw conclusions is also evaluated.
  • The candidate’s ability to understand the speaker’s tone, attitude, and opinions is evaluated.


The OET marking criteria for writing include:

  • Candidates are evaluated based on the relevance and completeness of their responses in completing a task and giving important information.
  • Candidate’s writing skills are also evaluated based on how their content is organized and has a logical flow of ideas in the paragraphs and overall language.
  • The candidate’s ability to use correct grammar and vocabulary to ensure clarity in the written communication is tested.
  • The candidate’s language is tested in terms of its relevancy for the intended audience in healthcare.


The OET marking criteria for speaking include:

  • Candidates are evaluated based on whether they can communicate effectively by having clear pronunciations, fluency, and proper pace.
  • Scoring will also consider the ease with which the healthcare professionals and patients could understand the candidate.
  • Candidate’s performance in the role-play situations will also be evaluated based on the appropriate use of language in the healthcare context, and their ability to respond effectively.
  • The candidate’s performance is evaluated in terms of interactions like giving advice, holding conversations, and asking for clarification.

Tips for Improving OET Scores

The best way you can improve your OET scores is by taking sample tests, and masterclasses, and following best practices to solve your test.

The OET website is equipped with the necessary materials to help you perform better on the OET score calculator. This will help you pursue your career as a healthcare professional in other English-speaking countries.

If you want to practice for your reading subtest and listening subtest, OET offers 5 sample tests for each profession and multiple helpful blogs and videos to help you score better.

Similarly, if you want to practice for your speaking subtest and writing subtest OET offers multiple sample tests, guides to help you understand the assessment criteria better, and helpful blogs and videos to help you score better.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in OET Tests

Some of the most common mistakes that you must avoid to achieve a better result on the OET score calculator are:

  • Avoid memorizing and randomly using high band score words, as this will reflect poor English proficiency. Make sure all your words are used correctly and in the appropriate context.
  • Instead of taking shortcuts and relying on only high-band score words and other tips to score better, make efforts to learn and practice the language. This proficiency will reflect on your performance and help you score better.
  • Instead of taking the test repeatedly to get your desired score, take a break and make efforts to improve your language proficiency.
  • You do not need to learn a certain accent to perform better in your OET. Instead, you should focus on communicating clearly and accurately.
  • Do not write too little or too much to score more. OET writing test is designed in a manner that a good sample tends to have a word count of 180-200.


If you want to score high on the OET to begin your career as a healthcare professional in an English-speaking country, you must be proficient in English in the context of your profession. This means you need to get the relevant training and materials.

Neethu’s Academy, based in Kerala, is one of the best OET training centers. They offer online OET courses to help you study without having to relocate or change careers. You can choose to study at your convenience, helping you reach your maximum potential.

To get accurate and quick results for your subtest and assess your English proficiency and readiness to practice healthcare in English-speaking countries, use an OET score calculator.

Frequently Asked Questions

OET does have the provision to get your test scores for one or more subtests remarked. However, you must apply within 72 hours of the results being published. Make sure you go through the remarking policy before applying for it.

The validity of your OET result depends on the authority that recognizes it. This includes boards, councils, and government departments. Thus, to know the validity of your OET results, you must check the website of the concerned authorities.

You can find an OET score calculator on multiple educational and test preparation websites, where you can input your raw scores from each subtest. These calculators will convert them into OET’s scaled score of 0-500 in ten-point increments. However, to ensure accurate results, make sure that you are using the OET score calculator of a reliable website.

Published On: June 27th, 2024 / Categories: OET /

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