
OET Speaking Mock Test

Making a Referral: Roleplay a scenario where you (as a nurse) need to discuss a patient’s case with a doctor and recommend a referral to a specialist. Explain the patient’s condition, symptoms, and rationale for the referral.

Taking a Health History: Roleplay a scenario where you (as a healthcare professional) are taking a patient’s health history. Ask relevant questions about the patient’s current complaints, past medical history, allergies, and medications.

Providing Discharge Instructions: Roleplay a scenario where you (as a healthcare provider) are explaining discharge instructions to a patient following a hospital stay. Explain medications, dietary restrictions, and follow-up appointments.


Mock test for the OET Speaking section:

OET Speaking Sample Test:


– You will participate in a role-play with the interlocutor.

– You will play the role of a healthcare professional.

– Respond to the interlocutor as if they are a patient or a colleague.

– The role-play will last approximately 5 minutes.

– You will be assessed on your ability to communicate effectively in a healthcare context.

**Role-Play Scenario:**

**Role A: Healthcare Professional**

**You are:** A nurse working in a busy emergency department.

**Patient/Caregiver (Role B):** A concerned family member of a patient who was admitted with severe chest pain.

**Instructions for Role A (Healthcare Professional):**

You are speaking with a family member who is seeking information about the patient’s condition and prognosis. Provide reassurance and explain the next steps in the patient’s care.

**Role-Play Dialogue:**

Interlocutor: Hello, I’m here as the family member of Mr. Smith. He was admitted earlier with chest pain. Can you please tell me how he’s doing?

You (Healthcare Professional): Good afternoon. Thank you for reaching out. I understand your concern. Mr. Smith is currently stable. We’ve conducted some initial tests, and he’s under observation to monitor his condition closely.

Interlocutor: Is the chest pain serious? What are the next steps in his treatment?

You (Healthcare Professional): I can understand your worry. The chest pain prompted us to run some diagnostic tests. At this point, we’re waiting for the results of his cardiac enzymes and an ECG. These tests will help us determine the cause of his symptoms and guide our treatment plan.

Interlocutor: Will he need surgery? How long will he need to stay in the hospital?

You (Healthcare Professional): Surgery isn’t indicated at this time based on our initial assessment. As for his hospital stay, it will depend on the test results and how he responds to treatment. Our priority is ensuring he receives the best care possible.

Interlocutor: What can we expect in terms of his recovery?

You (Healthcare Professional): Recovery will depend on the underlying cause of his chest pain. Once we have the test results, we’ll have a clearer picture. I assure you we’re doing everything we can to manage his condition effectively.

Interlocutor: Thank you for the information. Is there anything else we should know or do?

You (Healthcare Professional): You’re welcome. I recommend staying in touch with our team for updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. We’re here to support you and Mr. Smith through this.


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